Interpreting photography

Studying a photograph may challenge you to think beyond a first impression and dig deeper for meaning. Fellow photographer Nick Mayo recently spoke on this topic. He adapted some advice from Richard Foster’s book “The Celebration of Discipline”. He suggested evaluating a photograph in the following three ways.

• Understanding - What is the photographer trying to say?  

• Interpretation - What does the photographer or image mean?

• Evaluation - Do I want to engage in this artistic conversation?

Engaging in the artistic conversation might lead you to agree, disagree or simply ignore. This is why it is important to understand what the photographer is trying to say. Otherwise, your interpretation could result in an image being taken out of context. It could also cause you to dismiss an underlying truth.


The photograph above is part of a young girl’s story. The image shows a cross on her wrist that serves as a subtle reminder of her faith in Jesus Christ. This part of the story will not change and is not open to a different interpretation. However, further insights can build upon that fact. You can also form opinions and open discussions regarding your evaluation, even if it is not in line with the intention of the photographer.  

I hope you have found this information beneficial. You can discover additional information by watching Nick Mayo’s video on studying art and photography at NickExposed